I learned a lot from DMZ Tour and it is one of the tour I would totally recommended to all of you. If you guys ever had a chance to visit South Korea and wanting to learn a bit of the history of SK and NK. With the tour included, you get to go and see the third secret tunnel that NK made. It's long deep tunnel and you'll be surprise at what you find (like I did! & cursed at myself because at first I thought it was a disappointment) until I actually realize how scary it is and how things like this can happen at anytime. There is also more secret tunnel out there that has not been discovered, scary I tell you!
I wanted to learn how to make this sweater for my Ella! ^^
This was such a cute idea! I could totally hang this in my room ceiling! So cute!!
I wanted to learn how to make this ombrè socks! They're so pretty (OwO)
This was for sure one of my favourite thing at the store! It's seriously gorgeous. The details are just amazing. I will probably try and learn how to LOL
This place is located in Edae, here's the address ^^
서울시 마포구 대흥동 12-33 캠프21빌딩 1층
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